UK Payroll

Comprehensive, entirely configurable and completely localised.

The only UK localised payroll Odoo app 

A cloud-based software application, provisioned software as a service (SaaS), with features and functionality to manage all aspects of UK workforce payroll. Reassuringly robust, secure and fully supported - designed and developed from inception to be ‘Best in Class’

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What are the high-level capabilities of Odoo UK Payroll?

Planned Maintenance

Implement a systematic maintenance strategy to optimise machine reliability.

Centralised System

Integrate machines globally for effective real-time monitoring and enhanced data collection.

Anomaly Detection

Identify irregularities in the production process.

Time to Failure (TTF)

Predict and monitor machine failures.

Common customer challenges that UK Payroll solves


Customer needs to pay their people on a regular basis for their employment - and this can be complex with many different conditions attached to payroll contracts and the changing tax regime in the UK.

Customer needs to administer tax codes and validation national insurance numbers with HMRC, and lodge various returns which can be time consuming and are a legal requirement, but do not add value to the business.

Whilst the cost of employees is visible via payroll, the value and efficiency is typically not available with standalone payroll solutions. Customer experiences difficulty in bringing together information from across the business to identify inefficiency, drive out non-productive cost and activity.

Forecasting revenue and cost are dependent on having the right people, with the right skills at the right time in the business. Resourcing a business especially during change is difficult and can have profound impacts to revenue and profitability which are difficult to forsee without a joined up approach to payroll and the business activity supported by employees

Contact us to find out more about UK Payroll for Odoo