
Smart Energy Broker solution from Smart IT

Shorten sales cycles, ensure contractual compliance, and improve customer service with software built for the energy procurement brokerage market by Smart IT.

Start a conversation with Smart IT
Odoo Gold Partner

We speak your language and understand your processes

  • Do you have issues with your LOA's being stored in folders, in people's email and faxes filed in desk drawers?
  • Are termination reminders tracked on a spreadsheet and easily missed?
  • Do you know whether you’ve checked for objections on every contract?
  • Are you certain that the supply went live on the agreed date? How are you tracking energy consumption?
  • What about your openers?
  • Do you know who they are calling?
  • Are there disputes over who ‘owns’ each lead?
  • Are you truly digging deep into the pool of thousands of leads that you bought or are you barely scraping the barrel and spending more time on call-backs or duff data?
  • Are you certain that you have every MPAN/MPR documented correctly? Do you have a way to manage changes in the top line?
Download the Energy Broker brochure

Training and On-going Education

These daily challenges translate into hundreds of hours of lost productivity every year. Smart IT’s Smart Energy Broker solution solves these issues.

Custom-built specifically for the energy procurement sector, the integrated modular solution helps you work smarter and more efficiently whilst boosting customer service levels. Find out how Smart Energy Broker has helped our client, Great Annual Savings.

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Fast implementation. Easy to buy SaaS model

We invested over £500,000 in developing this software specifically for the energy procurement market. Built originally for Inspired Energy plc, Smart Energy Broker reflects the industry's distinctive sales cycle and business processes.

Offered as a subscription-based model, Smart Energy Broker is sold 'as a service' at a predictable price per seat per month. So, you don't have a large capital outlay and can start reaping the benefits of the system quickly and easily.

Read our Case Studies

“With this project, we haven’t only gained an efficient system, but a whole new way of working.

Great Annual Savings

Clear benefits realised quickly

Simple to use

The system is designed with the user experience at the heart. Minimal training required

Immediate access to information

This enables you to identify sales opportunities, launch new products and offer advanced support

Low cost per seat

Based on an operational model with limited capital outlay and predictable spend this is a cost-effective solution

Improved business efficiency

Focus on what the customer would like to know, not what you want to show. Write a small explanation of this great feature

Real-time visibility

Real-time visibility and reporting across sales, contracts, and procurement

Advanced customer service

High-tech management solution helps you to measure and improve customer satisfaction

One stop shop solution

Other modules easily integrate with Smart Energy Broker including finance, HR, marketing, project management, and logistics

Enhanced business control

Use the fully customisable dashboard to manage and control your business and receive real-time updates, alerts, reminders, and statistics

A scalable solution

The solution grows and adapts with your business, without user restrictions or storage limitations

Quick implementation

A quick implementation guarantees you'll be able to benefit from the system's capabilities in record time

Download our brochure for
further information on features and benefits

Download our Brochure